Friday, February 19, 2010

Concept Sketches, Recent Work

I've been toying with the idea of a Hell Knight for almost a year now, making sketches and gathering materials. I'm not very good at drawing, but having these sketches has been a huge help in preparing the project.

Right now I'm working with cardboard to get a the scale and proportions of the model. I'm going slow, and trying to work stage by stage from rough to the final work. While I may use some cardboard for the final product, the bulk of it will be found parts, plasticard, and green stuff. I'm aiming for 7" tall, but I expect it will end up being a bit taller.

Besides the Hell Knight, I'm starting work on my EC again. I have about 1850 points done, but want to start expanding including adding a defiler, vindicator, more marines, and even more. With a new camera, I've set up a photography station.

This champion (and occasional sorcerer or lord) is a mix of possessed and CSM parts and a filed down terminator sorcerer helmet. His arms and backpack are magnetised so I can switch them for a power fist, a Doom Siren, and a Plasma Pistol or even a Combi-weapon should I ever get around to making one.

A second champion. This one has no magnets but features some of my first serious sculpting work with greenstuff. The top of his head is from a warhammer zombie, and the speaker mouth is greenstuff. The Slaanesh symbol on his chest and his shoulderpad are also made of greenstuff. He's based on the illustration in the 4th edition CSM codex.

Another Noise Marine/regular champion with a magnetised backpack. His power fist is from the old metal Noise Marine champion. Note the left handed bolter.

I love this guy. He's just a mash of parts and a sweet pose. He's just a rank and file guy but he'll serve as a sacrificial champion when I get a greater daemon. Note again the left handed bolter.

Icon bearer. Some GS work on his helmet and shoulderpad. The studs on his armour are micro beads extracted from facial scrub.

This guy is just bad-ass. I tried a little simple OSL on his eyes.

The original Noise Marine, and one sweet model. The only problem is his backpack doesn't fit easily to his back, requiring some green stuff work. Not hard, but annoying.

Flamer Marine with a magnetised backpack so he can become a raptor. Note again the studs on his shoulderpad also made from micro beads.

So what do you think of the pics? Any advice about post-processing or methods of getting better pictures of miniatures.

Currently I've got a 1000 point tournament on the 28th, and want to get two plasmagun armed marines finished (they've been half painted for a long time). After then, it's modelling time again as I start full time work on the Hell Knight, a forgeworld dread, and maybe some Daemonettes.


  1. What are the size of the Microbeads you used? I am looking to doing something similiar to a squad or two of marines.

    Otherwise I like your painting style very smooth and crisp. Also, I like how you have magnetized everything. Something I am looking forward to do for an army of mine.

  2. Wow MKV, I guess this is ages past the date but I stopped checking here after I moved and have not gotten back to any painting (soon though).

    Anyway, the microbeads are about 1mm in diameter (probably smaller). The thing is, they are actually from facial scrub and the sizes are not always the same. I just collected and saved the beads that were left in my sink. If I had to do it over again (and I will) I'd buy 0.5mm beads and drill a tiny hole. As is they are basically stuck on a layer of epoxy resin.

    Anyway, about a year later (man I need to get back on the horse), but still your comment is appreciated.
